Great content marketing not only drives new visitors to your site, but also entices previous visitors to come back. A content strategy is key, so take advantage of these tools that can help.
1. Identify areas with high potential
Before you sit down to create any new website content, understand the interests and content consumption behavior of the users you’re aiming to reach. Find areas that offer the most potential. For instance, niche content ideas – those that have large amounts of interest or queries but few matching sites – are often worth tapping into because they offer a way to make your content stand out.
Google Trends shows what the world is searching for. It analyzes the popularity of top search queries in Google Search across regions and languages, and presents graphs to compare a query’s search volume over time. Keep up with trending searches, or enter any search term to discover related topics and queries. These techniques can give you a feel for what people are interested in so you can tailor your content to suit.
Pro tip
Google Question Hub collects unanswered questions directly from users to identify content gaps online. Use these insights to create better content for your audience.
Market Finder uncovers new opportunities to take your business global. It analyzes monthly searches, popular market trends, disposable income per capita and number of internet users by country to help you prioritize where your products, services and content will appeal most. Pinpoint a shortlist of promising new target markets for your brand and extend your site’s content to international users.
News Consumer Insights provides analysis about which traffic sources drive the most qualified users and how to better engage your visitors. For instance, when NCI shows that the number of visits per user is high but pages per visit is low, it’s a signal that your internal recirculation could be better. Put links to your best performing content at the bottom of articles and invite readers to click.
Don't forget
Webmaster Quality Guidelines.
2. Improve your content marketing
Get to know your audience and how they engage with your site so you can see what’s working and what isn’t, then improve your content strategy accordingly. Google Analytics includes a host of tools to help you build a more complete picture of your users and identify areas where you could be doing better.
Behavior reports reveal the overall page and content performance of your site.
When you link Search Console with Google Analytics, you can see which queries bring users to your site, fix issues and analyse your site’s impressions, clicks and position on Google Search.
Realtime Content Insights helps you to identify which articles are most popular amongst your readers as well as what broader topics are trending in your region.
3. Learn from the latest tips and trends
Don’t forget to look at the bigger picture, including how people’s use of the web is evolving and how other businesses are responding.
Consumer Barometer shows how, when and why people around the world use the web. An evolving storehouse of online research and resources, it includes everything from country-specific data on consumers’ device preferences to insights about how people are making their purchase decisions.
Success stories provide inspiration and ideas from the wider community, showing how other people are using AdSense to help fund their passions.